“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”


Irrespective of the circumstances, challenges, situations, surroundings, or obstacles, what we decide to do in the moment, is all that matters. We can choose to be shackled by the challenges or decide to find that little window that brings in sunlight. Then carve the window into a door. We always have a choice. 

The situations could be physical or psychological. Through time, we have always been surrounded by situations that seem impossible but still we kept moving forward. How? By the courage and belief of a few, the collective many progressed one step at a time. 

Tiny Pebbles is a celebration of the courageous few. Those who, faced with closed walls, found a window and showed all of us a way forward. Just like rocks that were polished into beautiful pebbles when faced with the force of nature (water).

Tiny Pebbles celebrates the human spirit and aims to inspire and motivate. You might find simple solutions to your life’s challenges through the real stories or simply find the moral support to never give up on yourself. 

Tiny Pebbles is also a place where we recognise that we all have the light within us. Sometimes, it is just crowded by our own thought, prejudices, insecurities, and other emotions. Therefore, while sharing stories of courage, we also share stories, concepts, and guides to practice Mindfulness in daily life. 

Mindfulness is often associated with Meditation techniques but it is much more than that. Mindfulness is an awareness of ‘what’ we are thinking or feeling, ‘why’ we are thinking or feeling that, and ‘how’ we are thinking the same. Tiny Pebbles aims to share simple guides, techniques, rationale, to understand our ‘what’, ‘why’, and ‘how’, through stories, so we are able to make better decisions.

We invite readers of all ages, from all around the world, to join this journey by sharing real tips, advices, insights, learnings, and more, through stories. 

This site is not about religion but it is about us – the human spirit that is, many times, lost in the noise of the world. Greatness, however, is within us. 

To subscribe to Tiny Pebbles Newsletter, simply fill the form to receive tips, techniques and stories. 

If you have stories and tips to share, I invite you to join our community and submit your posts. We would love to feature you on our site. Just read the submission guidelines and submit using the form on the page. 

Tiny Pebbles is the brand we post under and it is part of the company, Tiny Pebbles Global FZCO that runs the website ‘tinypebblesmedia.com‘. 

You can also connect with us on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our community. 

Its a lot easier to find your own light than you might think. Join in and let’s learn from each other. 

Archana Keskar

Tiny Pebbles Global FZCO Founder


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